Review of Teaching Business, Technical and Academic Writing Online and Onsite: A Writing Pedagogy Sourcebook


  • Priyanka Ganguly Virginia Tech


Pedagogy, Technical and Academic Writing, Business Writing, Student-advocates


Sarbani Sen Vengadasalam’s (2021) Teaching Business, Technical and Academic Writing Online and Onsite: A Writing Pedagogy Sourcebook offers the best practices for teaching online, hybrid, blended, or face-to-face technical and academic writing based on three aspects: “instructional design, participation management, and multimedia use” (p. x). The primary goal of this book is to provide technical and academic writing teaching principles that could address the long-lasting tension existing between the real-world (professional development) and academic expectations (exercises/assignments). Therefore, the author has written and designed each chapter with a practitioner focus.


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Author Biography

Priyanka Ganguly, Virginia Tech

Priyanka (Priya) Ganguly is a third-year PhD candidate in Rhetoric and Writing at Virginia Tech (VT), where her research is at the intersection of rhetorics of health and medicine, technical communication (social justice), and transnational institutional/organizational communication. As she transitions into the dissertation phase of her program, her research interrogates how technical and professional communication (TPC) practitioners, working as public health communicators, exercise rhetorical agency and manage knowledge within their institutional domains and how their rhetorical decision-making and knowledge management impact transnational audiences’ health. 


Priya has been teaching in the Materials Science and Engineering Department’s Engineering Communication Program (ECP) at VT for the past two years. Currently, she teaches Technical Writing courses to undergraduate students. Her recent publications include articles on the statement of purpose (SP) genre, online technical communication pedagogy, and the international reproductive justice (RJ) hashtag activism in journals such as Xchanges, Technical Communication Quarterly, English for Specific Purposes, and the 39th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication (SIGDOC’21). She has presented at various conferences, such as RSA, CCCCs, ATTW, and SIGDOC.




How to Cite

Ganguly, P. (2023). Review of Teaching Business, Technical and Academic Writing Online and Onsite: A Writing Pedagogy Sourcebook. Programmatic Perspectives, 14(1). Retrieved from