Expectations Mapping

A Cognitive Approach to Teaching Audience in Technical Communication Programs


  • Kirk St.Amant Lousiana Tech University
  • Kacie Mennie Louisiana Tech University


audienceusability, cognition, expectations, usability, design


Usability is central to creating effective technical content. Audience expectations for usable content, however, are neither fixed nor universal. For this reason, technical communication students can benefit from approaches that help them effectively identify the usability expectations an audience has for technical content. Technical communication programs that provide an effective foundation in this area can help students succeed in a variety of contexts after graduation. This entry presents an approach for teaching audience usability expectations in technical communication classes and across overall technical communication curricula. Known as expectations mapping, the approach focuses on teaching students to identify the cognitive factors that affect an audience’s usability expectations. This entry first explains how the experience mapping process works and then discusses how to apply expectations mapping when teaching students about audience expectations in different technical communication classes. The entry then concludes by providing suggestions on how to integrate expectations into an overall technical communication program. Through this format, the entry provides technical communication educators and program administrators with a curriculum-focused approach to teaching students how to identify and understand the usability expectations of different audiences.


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Author Biographies

Kirk St.Amant, Lousiana Tech University

Kirk St.Amant is a Professor and the Eunice C. Williamson Chair in Technical Communication at Louisiana Tech University where he serves as the Director of Louisiana Tech’s Center for Health and Medical Communication (CHMC).  He is also a member of the University’s Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Science (CBERS) and is an Adjunct Professor of Health and Medical Communication with the University of Limerick in Ireland and a Research Fellow in User Experience Design with the University of Strasbourg in France. 

Kacie Mennie, Louisiana Tech University

Dr. Kacie Mennie is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Louisiana Tech University.




How to Cite

St.Amant, K., & Mennie, K. (2025). Expectations Mapping: A Cognitive Approach to Teaching Audience in Technical Communication Programs. Programmatic Perspectives, 15(2). Retrieved from https://programmaticperspectives.cptsc.org/index.php/jpp/article/view/98